During the restorations, we found on the walls of the rooms, lost under the masonry and plaster layers, authentic Saxon wall murals and the beautiful wooden ceiling, coffered and painted with floral motifs. The value of the work cannot be estimated. The story of the house, the prestige of the chronicler Georgius Krauss, and the age of the revealed art, have put us in front of a fantastic discovery.
The fresco from the salon
The painting layer in the ground floor salon was kept intact in a small proportion. However, in a segmented niche, we where able to discover, under the masonry, the painting made in the al secco technique which represents oriental elements, similar to the carpets in the featured in the Saxon churches.
In the room with the Fresco, on the side walls, after removing the successive layers of huma and lime, we discovered the "grisaille" wall painting, also made in the al secco technique. The first visible elements were the floral elements made with black, white and different shades of gray, but we can only see a small pieces of the whole painting.