The name of the pension
Georgius Krauss is an important historical and cultural figure, which is attributed to the writing of the chronicles of Sighisoara and the history of Transylvania.
The name of the pension comes exactly from this personality, who lived in this house, which is why on the ground floor of the pension is arranged an exhibition on this theme.
Georgius Krauss was born on 17 September 1607 in Sibiu and died on January 26, 1679, in Sighisoara. He was a notary and Saxon chronicler from Transylvania. His name is also written as Georg Krauss or Georg Kraus. To be distinguished by his son (Georg Krauss the Young) he is sometimes called Georgius Krauss the Elder.
Personal Life
The descendant of a wealthy family of merchants from Nurnberg studied from 1622 in Cluj, from 1624 in Sibiu, and from 1626 from the University of Strassburg, followed in 1627 by the study in Vienna. Subsequently, one and a half years later he attended the law faculty of Padova.
After a long trip to Italy, he reached Malta. In 1631 he returned to his hometown Sibiu, being concerned with the trade with the Romanian country.
Sighisoara and he's contribution to the history of Transylvania
It was only in 1646 that he came to Sighisoara as a notary, where he remained until the end of his life, making in this interval several trips to the royal court. He represented the city of Sighisoara in the Dieta and wrote the most important Transylvanian chronicle of the 17th century "Siebenburgische Chronik" (Transylvanian Chronicle), which deals with the history of Transylvania between 1608-1655.
Chronicle is considered a major source of historiography because it includes several events to which the author took part personally. He is the one who, along with Johannes Troster, makes a strict reference to the last decade of the 12th century Christian, at the foundation of the Sighisoara medieval settlement. More precisely, it dates back to 1191 in his work "Stundturmchronik" (Chronicle of the Clock Tower).

Among his works we mention:
Tractatus rerum bellicarum, quam etiam aliarum ab anno 1599 usque 1606 inclusive in the Transylvania interventarum per Georgium Krauss 1646 function Civitatis Schaesburgensis Notarium conscriptus. (Fundgruben der Geschichte Siebenbürgen von Grafen Joseph Kemeny, Klausenburg, 1839).
Transilvania interveniarium (Siebenbűrgische Chronik des Schässburger Stadtschreibers… 1608 + 1665. Herausgegeben vom Ausschusse des Vereins fűr siebenbűrgische Landeskunde. Wien, 1862).

Manuscripts also remain:
"Memorial und kurzer wahrer Bericht, was über diese unsere Stadt Schässburg, als in der Ordnung der sächsichen königl. Städte in Siebenbürgen, nach der Hauptstadt Hermannstadt die Erste, innerhalb 485 Jahren ihrer Erbauung bis in dieses unglückselige 1676. Jahr, in Belagerungen der Stadt, Feuersbrünsten, andern zufälligen Unglücksfällen und Pestzeiten, bei unseren, unserer Eltern und Voreltern Gedenkzeiten ergangen gewesen, auf Befehl eines Hochweisen Raths und der Löbl. Hundertmannschaft durch mich Georgium Krauss 31 jährigen Juratum Notarium aufgesetzt und verzeichnet.
Codex Krausio-Kelpianus oder merkwürdige Geschichten in Siebenbürgen und dessen umliegenden benachbarten Ländern von 1608 bis 1665 mit vielen Urkunden."